Narara Valley Nursery


Narara Valley Nursery


Narara Valley Nursery


Narara Valley Nursery


Narara Valley Nursery


Narara Valley Nursery


Narara Valley Nursery


Due to the current COVID -19 concerns Narara Valley Nursery has put into place measures to limit contact between our valued customers and staff.  When visiting us please be guided by our signage.

We ask that communication, with our cash register staff, is kept to a minimum and all the current official social spacing rules are adhered to.

We have six qualified staff members who can answer all your questions.  We ask you keep your enquiries, during the lock-down period, brief and succinct and avoid socializing.  Let’s leave the socializing for another time.

Around our till area we have the designated safe space for four people. Please queue behind the white line at the entrance to this area.

We have several spots around the nursery where you can wash your hands.

Largest Discount Nursery and Garden Centre on the Central Coast

Narara Valley Nursery has over an acre of everything you need for your garden. We are the largest supplier of exotic indoor plants and native shrubs, deciduous trees, roses, bonsai pots and palms on the Central Coast. Come and shop outdoors and under cover in our garden centre where our plants are grown in the exact conditions your garden will experience. Everything is priced to sell and our weekly specials are the hottest on the Central Coast and far cheaper than the Sydney metropolitan area.

Need potting mix, fertilisers, mulches, worm farms or bird baths? Narara Valley Nursery stocks a wide range of those little extras you need to complete your gardening project. You will also find the perfect water tank to make the most of rainwater and keep your garden green.

At Narara Valley Nursery we pride ourselves on outstanding service. Bring the kids along to experience our new animal petting farm and ask one of our qualified horticulturalists about your needs; we are trained to help you select just the right plants for your garden or home and we will even throw in a free cup of tea or Harris coffee and biscuits.

We have plenty of parking and are open seven days a week. We look forward to assisting you with all of your gardening needs.